[Salon] Countering the New Autocrat’s Manual


Countering the New Autocrat’s Manual
By John Feeley, Scott Hamilton, and Douglas Farah - January 6, 2023 

President Biden’s senior foreign policy leaders have recently made statements attesting to their pragmatic ambivalence regarding the ideological orientation of Latin American governments. In practice, however, U.S. policy still reflects a politicized, outdated left vs. right emphasis derived from the polarized nature of U.S. domestic politics. Instead, we suggest a depoliticized lens would afford the United States more room to be consistent, nuanced, and effective in its foreign policy with the region, supporting struggling democracies and seeking the sustainable democratic evolution of incipient criminalized states.

The regional situation continues to deteriorate because democratically elected governments strain to deliver basic services to their peoples. Complicating this in many cases is direct state participation with Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) that have moved beyond the radical, populist Bolivarian movement to governments across the political spectrum. This metastasized movement generates billions of dollars in corrupt proceeds and has spawned a continent-wide authoritarian tendency that entrenches itself while corroding democratic competitors.

A viable U.S. strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean, encompassing governments ranging from struggling democracies to fully-fledged autocracies, should involve the following elements:

An overarching goal to strengthen or reestablish rule of law and independent democratic institutions in all countries in the region.

Clear, achievable state-to-state national security objectives on at least three topics: migration, crime, and public health.

Strong U.S. diplomatic presence from all relevant U.S. agencies, but with a renewed, Presidential-level emphasis on the Chief of Mission Authority to minimize intelligence agencies or Justice Department freelancing.

Credible assessments of in-country agencies and officials with whom the United States can constructively engage.

Targeting criminal networks with coordinated RICO-like judicial action.

Collaboration with like-minded country partners.

Implementing a “people-centric” approach that aims to provide information, education, and relevant training to government officials and civil society actors in ways that are consistent with either (1) specific U.S. national security goals and/or (2) U.S. rule of law/democratic institutions strategic goals.

The following categories of people-centric engagement would be relevant:

Diplomatic: The United States should be present everywhere in the region and offer unyielding public support for liberty, even at the expense of awkward relations with the host government.

Information: The United States should facilitate the regular provision of unrestricted internet access and reinvigorate its use of cultural diplomacy.

Military: The United States makes many mistakes when deploying the military as an instrument of power; this tool of state-state engagement should therefore be largely humanitarian (such as hospital ships) or reflect other soft power approaches.

Economic: The United States should bypass the often-stultified local elite business cartels and instead seek to train and empower a new young business class that would agitate for economic liberalization and other necessary change.

It is long past time that U.S. policy ceases to be performative, valuing public denunciations and serial, selective individual sanctions over a strategy that fortifies elected democracies and employs organized, coordinated steps to bring down criminal networks. We offer this assessment to spark what we hope will be a spirited exchange that clarifies constructive options for U.S. policy in the region.

This submission represents the executive summary of a longer, full-length report. Click here to read the report in its entirety. The opinions and analysis enclosed are those of the authors, and does not represent the institutional position of any of their respective organizations nor of Global Americans.

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